Norbert Niederkofler
As the culinary ambassador for Italy, star chef Norbert Niederkofler has conferred his country’s hallmark of quality to ChefAlps from the start. In 2015, he will be gracing, as an exceptional chef, the show stage of the International Cooking Summit. ‘If I succeed in letting people enjoy the familiar smells and flavours of my home country, I will be very happy!’ is his personal credo. To the original produce he adds precisely the creative grain of elegance that is essential to grant star-crowned rarity value to his cuisine.
For instance, his dishes offer the delight of tasting a birch sauce base, allowing one to experience the soft, refreshing flavour in an astounding way. Maintaining traditional tastes while staying fresh in a passionate way, characterizes Norbert Niederkofler’s life and cooking style. A meteoric rise in top gastronomy was never sufficient for him. It inspired him to launch the project ‘Cook the Mountain’. This interdisciplinary research workshop on the subject of ‘Gastronomy in the mountains’, brings together chefs de cuisine, farmers, breeders, alpinists, naturalists, sociologists and entrepreneurs of all mountain regions. A series of events allows epicures to experience mountain cuisine and culture. ‘Cook the Mountain’ will celebrate its premiere at EXPO 2015 in Milano.